Preaching Calendar
An annual preaching calendar to help you cover biblical essentials, spiritual disciplines, and cultural topics.
Bullies In My Brain
Students are desperate for a solution to anxiety. They have been beaten down by anxious thoughts and beliefs about their lives. Our culture attempts to offer solutions, but students are still looking for answers. Anxiety is a strong opposing force, but God has called us to overcome. This four-week series will biblically approach the bullies that cause anxiety in our students’ lives, how to stand up to them, and how to walk in the confidence of God’s call on their lives.
The Things We Hide
One of the biggest tools of the enemy to keep us enslaved in darkness is shame. It leads us to hide, living isolated and alone, disconnected from God, with a faulty understanding of our own identity. The truth is, God broke the power of shame in our lives when He sent His own son to the cross. This four-week series examines how shame affects our daily lives and how to overcome it once and for all.
One of this generation's greatest needs is a strong community. The world offers a cheap substitute for God’s plan for community. In this four-week study on the early church, we look at four pillars of Christian community that will give students the God-honoring community they are hungry for!
Christmas Playlist
Let’s be honest. We all look forward to one thing all year: Christmas music! What’s on your Christmas playlist? Some Christmas carol classics, some covers from your favorite artist, or some fresh Christmas tunes? In this three week series, we’ll look at three popular Christmas songs and draw the deeper meaning of Christmas from each.
Set Apart
In a world of cultural compromise, Christians are called to holiness. A fundamental understanding of the holiness of God is essential to the life of a believer. We are called to live a life set apart — holy and pleasing to God. In this four-week series, we’ll unpack what Scripture teaches us about holiness in service to a holy God.
It's Complicated
Dating and relationships can be complicated. Dating culture is more convoluted and risqué than it has ever been – it’s time that the church spoke the truth about love and relationships! Through the story of Samson, this four-week series will give us key lessons about relationships and how to avoid complications in our own dating lives!
What Was I Made For?
Why am I here on this earth? Why did God create me? What’s my purpose? These questions often burn in our students' minds. God created each of us with a distinct purpose, but many students don’t know that purpose. This four-week series biblically unpacks the truth we see throughout church history’s confessions of faith: “The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever!”
Outside These Walls
As Christians, Jesus gave us instruction to go preach the gospel and disciple others. This call of the Great Commission is a universal call for all believers, but many of our students are discouraged by the “walls” they face in going. In this five week series, we talk through the different walls that might keep us from sharing our faith and discipling others.
Don't Believe The Storm
Elijah was suicidal. David was depressed. Moses was anxious. Paul was alone in prison… but God set them free. He used their mess and made it into a message. God can turn your worst seasons around when you choose to worship Him in the middle of the storm. In this four-week series, we bring taboo topics like suicide and mental health into the light allowing students to find freedom in Christ.
Summer Soundtrack
Music is powerful. It connects us to others, to our emotions, and even to God! Our students engage with music in pop culture daily. We believe that meaningful discussions around Christ and a Biblical worldview are critical. There is no better place to discuss the Christian worldview than in contrast with the culture of the world’s music. This four-week series discusses some of the hottest songs in pop culture and draws out Biblical truth for discussion from their lyrics.
Sorry, Not Sorry
In a world of skepticism and post-modern culture, students are desperate for answers to the hard questions about their faith. Things like: “Is God real?”, “How do I know that the Bible is accurate?” or “How do I defend my faith to others?” In this series on apologetics, we tackle some of the big questions to help students learn how to understand and defend their faith well.
Asking For a Friend
In the age of unlimited information, students are more curious than ever. Amidst the endless stream of answers, students still wrestle with hard questions about their lives and faith. In this four week series, we tackle four questions that your students are wondering and asking for answers.