The one thing every great leader has in common; a good coach.

"Where can I find good coaching for youth pastors?”

If you’re a youth pastor who wants to grow, you’re asking the right question.

Youth Pastors are leaders, and if you’re a leader, the chances are you want to be a good one. Maybe you even want to be a great one.

But there is one thing every great leader has in common:

A great coach.

Do you have a great coach? This is someone who sees the vision, knows what it takes to get there, and keeps you accountable along the way.

When you’re in youth ministry, you’re a leader in the lives of many. You play a pivotal role in the lives of your students. It’s imperative you have the right coach speaking into your life.

That’s why we offer monthly coaching for youth pastors and leaders here at Youth Pastor Co.

We’re passionate about seeing you go further, and reach more students with the gospel than ever before, but we know you can’t go it alone. That’s why we put so much time and energy into coaching for youth pastors.

It’s not for everyone, we know that. But maybe it’s for you.

What’s a typical coaching session like?

  • An hour long, once a month.
  • 30 minutes of in-depth teaching.
  • 30 minutes of Q&A.
  • Each session includes a PDF of the coach’s notes and video playback in case you can’t attend.

And there’s no better time to sign up than now. We host a coaching call on the first Thursday of every month.

What do you get with our coaching group?

✅ Access to an exclusive group of youth pastors from across America. 

✅ On-demand video playback of each coaching call.

✅ Downloadable pdf coaching notes.

✅ Individual coaching sessions available upon request.

✅ A private community to bounce ideas off of and collaborate with.

✅ A curated coaching rotation featuring the best leaders and brightest minds in the church today.

This coaching group for youth pastors isn’t for leader who’s only looking to get by or make friends. This is for the youth pastor who’s serious about growing as a leader, reaching lost students, and making a difference in their community.