Four Sermon Series That Are Perfect to Preach at the Beginning of the Year

Do you know what you’re preaching to your students to kick off the year?

When you start a new year in youth ministry, you never want to feel like you’re behind before the year even starts.

You want to start the year ahead so you can set the vision and start running with it — that’s why it’s important to lock in your preaching calendar as early as possible.

But what should you be preaching at the beginning of the year?

We’re here to help you nail it down.

Here are 4 perfect sermon series to preach at the beginning of the year 👇

1. Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire

A sermon series on God’s Presence.

Scripture refers to the presence of God in many ways, like fire. The age-old adage of “where there’s smoke, there’s fire” rings true with God’s presence: if it’s visible, the signs are present. In this four-week series, we see the ways in which God’s presence is symbolized by fire and the “smoke” that should show in our lives because of it.

2. Climb The Mountain

A sermon series on seeking God. 

When we seek God, we not only find Him, we find ourselves. Over and over again in Scripture, God encourages His people to seek Him. In this four-week series based in Psalm 24, we unpack what it means to truly seek the face of God, and what we will find when we decide to go after Him with all of our hearts.

3. The Youth Will Always Win

A sermon series on being used by God.

More often than not, young people are overlooked, but that’s precisely who Jesus handpicked to carry the Gospel forward. In this series, we’ll take a look at some of the common barriers your students experience that keeps them from being used by God. Scripture will create a context for discovering how God has called us to overcome these perceived limitations.

4. I Can’t See

A sermon series on vision. 

Without vision, the people perish. The problem for many students is they don’t have spiritual vision for their lives. In this series, we’re going to be taking students through Scripture so they can learn the truth about God’s vision for their lives, how to stay strong when the journey gets tough, and what it means to walk by faith and not by sight.

Each sermon series includes 👇

✅ Sermon Series Graphics

✅ Sermon Builder Curriculum

✅ Sermon Bumper Video

✅ Small Group Materials

✅ Social Media Graphics

Our Youth Pastor Co sermon series library has more than 100 sermon series on a comprehensive list of topics. We’re here to make sure you’re equipped to walk your students through the biblical worldview of virtually any topic in culture or in Scripture.

We hope these suggestions help as you nail down your beginning of the year sermon series!

P.S. Each month, Youth Pastor Co brings together the most creative minds in youth ministry to build sermon series packages that are powerful, relevant, and easy to use. Not a member yet? Join us today!