3 Ways to Start the Year Fresh in Youth Ministry

The new year is here and so is your chance for a fresh start in youth ministry.

As far as your youth ministry goes, this year will be what you make it. Want to make it better than ever before? It’s going to require some intentional decisions.

Here are 3 things you can do to start fresh for a new year in youth ministry 👇


1. Pray and fast.

This might be low-hanging fruit, but it is the surest way to start fresh in 2023. Prayer and fasting takes our focus off our own ability to provide and focuses on God as the One who meets our needs. If it was a good idea for Jesus to fast and pray before he started his public ministry, it’s probably a good idea for you before you jump back into ministry this year.


2. Surround yourself with the right people.

This is the year we stop doing ministry alone. We all need people and we were created for community. Don’t have friends around you in ministry? We want to come alongside you. Shoot us an email today and ask us about our coaching group.


3. Get your curriculum right.

The days of spending hours and hours on sermon graphics, bumper videos, and research should be behind you by now. Each month, Youth Pastor Co brings together the most creative minds in youth ministry to build sermon series packages that are powerful, relevant, and easy to use so that youth ministries can continue to grow and point students to Jesus Christ.

Our Youth Pastor Co sermon series library has more than 100 sermon series on a comprehensive list of topics. We’re here to make sure you’re equipped to walk your students through the biblical worldview of virtually any topic in culture or in Scripture.

Every new series includes:

✅ Sermon Series Graphics

✅ Sermon Builder Curriculum

✅ Sermon Bumper Video

✅ Small Group Materials

✅ Social Media Graphics

If you’re not yet a subscriber to Youth Pastor Co, why wait? Sign up today to get the access to the sermon series library!